The firm is strongly tied to the Scicli region and to the river Irminio, which runs through the whole of South-Eastern Sicily before flowing into the Mediterranean Sea.
Here the country preserves its ancestral atmosphere and every expression of nature is powerful, extreme, but full of life, colors and smells.
However it is a human place, where ancient great civilizations have passed or settled and made it a cradle of culture, arts, science and literature.
Scicli shows some of the most precious masterpieces of the Sicilian Late Baroque and has been declared to be Unesco Heritage, together with Modica and other towns of the Val di Noto. These towns were rebuilt after 1693 earthquake and represent the culmination and the flowering of the Baroque art in Europe.
The magnificence of nature and the human abilities have made this region incomparable.
Consciousness, respect and love for their country are the basis of Fratelli Aprile business mission.